Friday, April 15, 2011
popping in...
Just a quickie today. We're off to HK later, so it's all a little fraught this end, but I didn't want to you to think I'd forgotten you! Won't be back until the end of April.
Until then, happy Easter xx
Monday, April 11, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
she's back!

Pickle's been on her year 5 residential trip with school this week, and came back from Pulau Sibu (an island of eastern Malaysia) this afternoon, looking tired, tanned, happy and possibly a little more knowing, and smelling slightly musty! The first thing she did when she saw me was squeeze me like a snake, which was lovely. I think we've all REALLY missed her. Breakfast was the strangest, as that's when we're generally all together, and by the time we got to this morning's cornflakes, it seemed like she'd been gone for an age.
She's been regaling us with stories ever since she got back, about making fire, building shelters, making bamboo rice, eating satay to mention but a few.... Then promptly fell asleep whilst Betsy was reading us all a story. I think we still have a huge amount more to learn, and a whole heap more washing to do, but I'm really looking forward to hearing all about it this weekend - it's GREAT to have her back!
Happy weekending xo
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
all change...
Hope you like the new look. I've tried to look at my blog with fresh eyes and have hopefully come up with a pared down version.
It took me ages to find the right coloured text, as I was reluctant to lose the prettiness of the pink effect, soft pastels being some of my favourite colours. (Did I tell you that our front door in London is a delicate shade of pink: poor Mr W doesn't stand a chance!)
I like to think I got round it by including the lilac building in my banner (think that's what the bit at the top's called). It's actually a shot of one of the shophouses in Chinatown that I took when we were there the other day. I might still have a little tinkering to do, but all in all, I'm quite pleased. Any comments would be greatly appreciated!
Monday, April 4, 2011
this weekend...
Yesterday, I had breakfast in bed in honour of Mother's Day - there was even a flower (and a rose at that) on the tray. Then we had brunch at The Fullerton, which, coincidentally, was where we were last year for Mother's Day (I can see a tradition emerging here which I'm more than happy to adopt!) After we'd completely stuffed ourselves, we took a boat trip around Clarke Quay, Boat Quay and even up as far as the Merlion (piccies to follow later this week). It's something we've been threatening to do for ages, but we thought we should save it for when we have visitors. I'd definitely recommend it, if only so you can fully appreciate the beautiful bronzes of the river boys jumping into the river...
Wishing you all a Happy Monday - we're off to Universal for the day - yippee! xx
Friday, April 1, 2011
singapore street life: lau pa sat
When I was doing my course a week or so ago, I would get off the bus at Raffles Link, pretty much in the heart of the city and work my way through to Club Street, at the back of Chinatown. And every single time, I would walk through Lau Pa Sat hawker centre.
Now, I'm not a big fan of hawker centres, mainly because I'm such a woose in the food department (and then I wonder who Betsy takes after) but this one is BEAUTIFUL. So, on my last day I went to my course laden down with all my files and my camera, because I just couldn't resist. These photos were taken at about 9 o'clock in the morning, so well before the rush of office workers come in for lunch, but I just love the detail of this Victorian building. And the fact that it's surrounded by some of Singapore's tallest, glossiest, most modern buildings makes it all the more surprising.
Happy weekend xo
PS I know I'm posting this late as far as Singapore time is concerned, but I have no guilt or terror or deep set panic - I think the wise words of this blog just might be paying off!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
list no. 2...
So far this week, I have mainly been:
1. catching up with household chores after a couple of weeks studying
2. enjoying Pickle's recorder recital and Betsy's 'claymation' assembly at school
3. thinking about packing for Pickle's residential trip next week. She's off to a Malaysian island on Tuesday (not Monday as I had initially thought!)
4. spring cleaning in anticipation of visitors arriving this weekend
5. fiddling with photoshop as best I can
6. thinking (but only thinking) about studying for my next exam.
7. very much looking forward to lunch with girlfriends today - we're trying the local fish & chippie!
Hope you're having a good week xo
Monday, March 28, 2011
finding my blogging voice...
I've just been reading this post and feel thoroughly inspired to become more organised (and honest) in the blogging department. I've even gone and chosen a notebook from the vast collection we have in the cupboard by the front door specifically for the purpose!
For the past month or so, I've been thinking about doing some themed posts as well as more spontaneous ones, just to give a little structure to my blogging. So, I now have a list of possible titles. I'm also going to try to have a couple of posts in draft form, so that I'm not doing that last minute panic and scratching around for something to post before the end of the day. At the moment, when I find myself in just that position, I do however draw comfort from the fact that yes, it's 8 o'clock in the evening here, but back home, it's only lunchtime - even I can see that that's not really logical!
I'm also going to try to be less self conscious about the way I blog, and write in the way I would if I were speaking to a friend. At the moment, I often have LOTS of ideas about posts but then, in the cold light of day chicken out, thinking no one would want to read about some ridiculous thing that I've found really interesting.
What I'm really hoping for from all of this is that a. my blogging will become more manageable and b. it will again be enjoyable. I think recently, I've lost sight of why I started this blog. Really, it's meant to be somewhere that I can write about my and our experiences of living abroad, all the travelling we will hopefully continue to do, together with all the mundane bits in between which link everything together. You never know, I might even reach the point of telling some of my friends about it. As I think I've mentioned before, it's only Mr W and the girls who are in the know at the moment! I did once toy with the idea of telling my mother, but was put off when, during the course of our conversation about blogs, she was somewhat dismissive, saying she couldn't understand why anyone would want to read about someone else's tedious live when you didn't even know them! I think she's somewhat missed the point, don't you? Interestingly though, Pickle's class has just set up a blog as part of their schoolwork, and she doesn't mind reading that!
Now I've got that off my chest, I think I should probably stop waffling. I'm off to try to get a few posts in the bag!
Until next time x
Saturday, March 26, 2011
travelogue: bangkok khlongs
What we saw was a real eye opener. Dilapidated buildings that don't look safe never mind habitable, little glimpses of flower pots used as screens...
It really took our breath away and reminded us all of how fortunate we are.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
travelogue: bangkok
I've finally managed to sort out a few of the photos I took from our trip to Bangkok earlier this month. Most of these were taken on our first full day, when we were trying to get a feel for the city and find our way around. We stayed pretty much in the heart of the business district and the photograph at the top was taken about 30 steps from our hotel's front door. I love the combination of the arched windows and the way there's a very worn feeling to this building.
Everywhere we went, there were little stalls selling street food. It looked and smelt quite delicious, but I'm afraid we weren't brave enough to try it!
I also fell in love with the colourful buses and tuk tuks. We never actually went on one of the buses, they looked like very hot sticky affairs, with passengers crammed on and frequently hanging out of the open windows, but we did manage a few tuk tuks. The trick mainly seemed to be keeping your use of them to short distances only, as at times you did feel like you were taking your life in your hands!
I'll try to check in again later this week with more Bangkok photos.
See you soon xo
Saturday, March 12, 2011
red elephants
Pardon my absence, but I've had a busy couple of weeks. The girls were on half term for a week, so we all took a trip to Bangkok, and last week I was playing catch up. I'm doing another tranche of my English course for the next couple of weeks, so my appearance here might be a little sporadic, but I just wanted to pop by and say yes, I'm here. I'll try to work on a show and tell in between everything, so until then..........
Friday, February 25, 2011
take a piece of rice...
We took the girls to Chinatown the other day, ostensibly with a view to seeing the new year decorations, of which there weren't many, although we did see a Lion Dance. Anyway, whilst we were mooching around, Pickle spied a man who could engrave a name on a grain of rice. And my little montage above pretty much sums up the story (I think I need to work on the font size, but other than that I'm quite pleased).
Wishing you all a lovely weekend xx
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
making progress...
As you can see, I'm starting to make progress, although it's very slow, and requires a lot of googling! It's taken me ages to do this, partly because I'm new to Photoshop, partly because blogger was having a funny turn which meant that it wouldn't let me upload any pictures - I was beginning to think that the Gods were against me, thinking it must be something to do with my new kit. But right now, who cares, I've done it! I'm hoping to produce a little montage in time for Friday - do you think 2 days is enough??
See you then x
Friday, February 18, 2011
right now...
I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. I am the proud owner of both a macro lens and photoshop and am struggling! Like you wouldn't believe. My lens seems to require a completely different method of photographing, which the girls seemingly mastered in a flash - I most definitely haven't. And as for photoshop, well, I don't even know where to begin with it.
You see, the thing is, I've been admiring the collages on blogs like a creative mint and thought yep, I can do that, can't be THAT hard. Well, let me tell you, I was completely wrong! It's a complete mystery to me. I can't even find where I've saved the 2 test photos I've tweaked by way of practice! At the very least, I think I'm going to have to buy a book - if anyone has any suggestions, assuming of course that there is anyone out there, I'd love to hear them.
Looks like I'm probably heading for a frustrating weekend - wishing you and yours a less fraught one xx
Monday, February 14, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
well that went fast!
I had many plans to post this week, but somehow time got the better of me, oh well.
So, back home LOTS of our friends have been celebrating their birthdays. My best friend on Monday, her daughter on Tuesday, Mr W's little sister on Wednesday, my Aunt and Pickle's godfather on Thursday. We decided to join the party by making fairy cakes, because we know for sure that if we were back home, that's what we'd be eating (my best friend likes any excuse to bake, and makes particularly delicious red velvet cupcakes using this book).
In amongst the goodies we sent to everyone, Pickle decided to make her best friend's big sister (who happens to be my best friend's daughter - are you following this?) something special. Using this book for assistance, she made...
Wishing you all a lovely weekend x
Monday, February 7, 2011
been, and gone...
My beautiful daffodils have, quite literally, been and gone, as have my hyacinths...
But I wouldn't have missed a minute of it! Their scent was intoxicating, very reminiscent of springtime, longtime best friends, our house in England, crisp fresh mornings, Richmond Park... the list is endless, but happy.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
it's the year of...
The Rabbit, which means we have a very long weekend to look forward to, so I'll see you next week.
Happy Lunar New Year everyone xx
Monday, January 31, 2011
look what I found...
Daffodils (tight buds yesterday, but the hot house that is our apartment is working a treat) and hyacinths...
Simply perfick! x
Friday, January 28, 2011
blogging for a year...
So, I've been blogging for a year! Like most newbies, I was very nervous at the beginning, so I still haven't told a soul about what I'm up to, apart from Mr W that is, who I suspect has a sneaky peek every now and then. I know that sometimes I've been absent, and sometimes I've been a little stuck for words, but I'm still here, which I'm pretty pleased about. This year, I'm going to try to make sure I have some beautiful photos available for all posts, and see whether I can perhaps entice regular readers to keep coming back - fingers crossed!
Happy weekend x
PS The photo is the view from the Skyride on Sentosa
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
flying by...
This week seems to have been flying by. On Monday, Pickle was feeling under the weather, so she stayed at home for the day. This of course gave me the perfect opportunity to do some long overdue paperwork, which I very diligently did (the purchase of stationery several days ago helped)!
Then yesterday, I went walking with a friend at MacRitchie Reservoir. Mr W has pointed out that this was an odd activity for me, given that a) I'm not terribly brave in the bug/snake/wild monkey department and b) I refused to go with him for exactly that reason! Thankfully, I didn't see any of the above, although there were several movements in the undergrowth which made us speed up out of harm's way! We followed the purple trail, which took us by the water's edge and through the trees. Unfortunately, it wasn't especially well signposted, but the scenery was beautiful - really lush and green. No photos though I'm afraid, as it was too wet to take a camera... I guess that means I'll have to take a deep breath and go again!
Then yesterday, I went walking with a friend at MacRitchie Reservoir. Mr W has pointed out that this was an odd activity for me, given that a) I'm not terribly brave in the bug/snake/wild monkey department and b) I refused to go with him for exactly that reason! Thankfully, I didn't see any of the above, although there were several movements in the undergrowth which made us speed up out of harm's way! We followed the purple trail, which took us by the water's edge and through the trees. Unfortunately, it wasn't especially well signposted, but the scenery was beautiful - really lush and green. No photos though I'm afraid, as it was too wet to take a camera... I guess that means I'll have to take a deep breath and go again!
Friday, January 21, 2011
it's another sleepover...
Both the girls have friends over tonight. Betsy is watching a movie (in the dark of course) in her bedroom, Pickle is in the sitting watching another one, Mr W is out, so I am idly flicking through my favourite blogs, g & t in hand!
Hope you have a lovely relaxing weekend too x
PS I know the photograph has nothing to do with the post, but I'm practising with my new camera, and this is today's effort. I love the jumble of colours, but think I need to read a little more of the manual so that I can practise achieving the depth of field I'm after.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
a day out...
Yesterday, I went on a jolly jape with my friend Mrs F who, having lived here for more than 3 years, has a better idea of where to go and what to do than I do. She took me to Holland Village where I bought this cheongsam dress for Betsy. I particularly like the combination of the pretty Englishness of the floral, and the traditional Chinese detail...
After that, we went to Serenity Cove where I had some foot reflexology. I've only had this treatment once before, but I actually quite enjoyed it, and didn't think it was too expensive at $22 for half an hour, so I think I might treat myself again some time. You can find the address and telephone number here.
I had intended to buy an embroidery foot for my sewing machine, having been inspired by this program, but unfortunately I ran out of time, so that little bit of creativity will have to wait for another time. This does however mean that I will be able to finish Baby Annabel's birthday present - Betsy announced that she was 3 on Tuesday (even though, as Pickle pointed out, she last celebrated sometime in August), so I'm knitting her a bag and maybe even some bunting for her bed in time for her party this weekend!! Oh what it is to have the imagination of a 7 year old!
Monday, January 17, 2011
this weekend...
has been a busy one. On Saturday, we went to Harry's @ 360, as Betsy is now old enough to waterski, and she did it! It must be said, she looked very little before she set off, and I was definitely feeling apprehensive - I'm not sure if it was the thought of her falling off and having to swim back to shore or the sheer force/speed involved, but I was very relieved once she'd done it!
On Sunday, we cycled along the East Coast to play crazy golf. In true Singaporean style, the holes were based on well known places in Singapore, and there were lots of mechanical elements, from ski lifts to trains...
But for Betsy, the highlight of the day was the slippers you borrow when you go to the loo!
Have a good week everyone x
Friday, January 14, 2011
jolly japes...
Mr W has the day off today, so we're going on a jolly jape, which I'm hoping will involve lunch here. Every time we go, it rains, so the stone will be wet, but it's always enjoyable.
Wishing you a lovely weekend x
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
made by betsy...
Day 12 of my challenge, and I'm struggling to take a photograph every day, as I'm still playing catch up now the girls have gone back to school. I took this one on day 8 - lets hope I find some more inspiration for tomorrow!
Monday, January 10, 2011
something very english...
This book is one of my favourite Christmas presents, a gift from one of my girlfriends back home. As the inscription says, 'a little bit of something terribly English for my first Christmas away'. I listened to Deborah Devonshire being interviewed on Woman's Hour back in September and I can't wait to read it. Just what I need to wile away rainy days in Singapore...
Happy Monday! xx
Friday, January 7, 2011
my dream house...
Have a great weekend x
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
list number one...
Today I have:
1. realised that the box I threw away on Monday night would have been perfect for storing our ever expanding Christmas decorations.
2. discovered that my super comfortable flip flops, when used constantly for a year (and I really mean constantly - the only exception being nights out!), will break irrepairably.
3. run out of time to do anything creative with the girls, and have made a mental note to make up for it tomorrow, after we've been to the Science Centre, if only for the sake of our thank you notes!
4. just managed to take a picture of a beautiful house for my photographic project - I'll show and tell on Friday.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Just a quick, and late post today, as the girls are still on holiday and I'm trying to tidy up after Christmas (still not brave enough to tackle Betsy's bedroom though... hopefully by then end of this week??) Tomorrow we're off to meet Mr W for lunch, but I just wanted to make a formal declaration that I am going to try to take a photograph every day for the rest of this month. I'm hoping that I will continue in this vein for the rest of the year....
See you on Wednesday x
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